Hey all,
I am sharing this article "Blending by Blogging: weblogs in blended learning initiatives" by Jo Ann Oravec,University of Wisconsin, USA.
This article is about how web blogs are increasingly seen as a middle space between face-to-face and on-line modes of interaction in the blended learning environments where the control is not entirely in the hands of the instructor. There is more flexibility offered to the learner for expression of individuality within the larger context of classroom learning.
And no guesses on why i think this article is interesting!! I got interested in blending learning while reading the article on pedagogy and then came across this article on web blogs and blended learning. What interests me the most is the individual expression opportunities that blog offers to share ideas and experiences with friends and peers which adds to one's meaning making without any face-to-face interaction.
Hope you enjoy reading this article. Happy reading!
Here is the link to the article:
Thank you for the link to this article! This week I hope to talk to you and the others in our course about the question whether blended learning is a pedagogical approach or a delivery method.. so be prepared! :-)